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The content of the Internet sites of Apex Detektive GmbH was prepared with the greatest of care. In particular, importance was attached to providing accurate and up-to-date information. Despite all the care taken, errors may still occur. Please note no liability can be accepted for the content being current, complete or correct.
In other respects, the following terms and conditions apply for the use of Apex Detektive GmbH websites:
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This website contains links to the content of external providers. We hereby state that we explicitly dissociate ourselves from all of the content of external providers whose links we have placed on our websites. We thus follow the ruling of the Hamburg Regional Court dated 12 May 1998, according to which, under certain circumstances, the placing of an external link may imply responsibility for the content of the linked site, unless the provider dissociates himself from all content. We hereby indemnify ourselves from any influence on the design and content of the linked sites. This statement applies to all links and banners placed by us.
Client contact at the number:
+49 0221 55400336 or send us an email.